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ScHoolboy Q - Blue Lips

ScHoolboy Q - Blue Lips

Format: Vinyl
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ScHoolboy Q - "BLUE LIPS" / blue•lips (bloo/lips) n. v. adj. Pl. -lipped, syn.. -coonin, -cyanosis -adj. 1. speecHless, especially as the temporary result of sHock or some strong emotion. 2. (of a person or mood) sHocked, speecHless, or embarrassed; the crowd gave me blue lips -n. 1. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something 2. coon; tHey were coonin -v. 1. become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly.

Track List

  1. Funny Guy
  2. Pop
  3. Thank God 4 Me
  4. Blueslides
  5. Yeern 101
  6. Love Birds
  7. Movie
  8. Cooties
  9. Ohio
  10. Foux
  11. First
  12. Nunu
  13. Back N Love
  14. Lost Times
  15. Germany 86'
  16. Time Killers
  17. Pig Feet
  18. Smile
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