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J Dilla - Donuts

J Dilla - Donuts

Format: Vinyl
Regular price $29.99
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Back late 2005 when Stones Throw were getting ready to release J Dilla's Donuts, they made a casual decision to use a drawing for the cover of the 2 LP vinyl release, rather than the standard cover photo of Dilla used for the other releases. Fast forward 6 years to 2011, the retailer Urban Outfitters asked Stones Throw if they could carry the album in their stores. Of course, they say. One other request, they say, we'd like the cover with Dilla's face? Well, why not? So here it is, better late than never: J Dilla's classic album Donuts now released on vinyl with the smile on the cover. Cover & illustrations by Jeff Jank; photo of Dilla by Andrew Gura.

Track List

  1. Donuts (Outro)
  2. Workinonit
  3. Waves
  4. Light My Fire
  5. The New
  6. Stop
  7. People
  8. The Diff'rence
  9. Mash
  10. Time: The Donut of the Heart
  11. Glazed
  12. Airworks
  13. Lightworks
  14. Stepson of the Clapper
  15. The Twister (Huh What)
  16. One Eleven
  17. Two Can Win
  18. Don't Cry
  19. Anti-American Graffiti
  20. Geek Down
  21. Thunder
  22. Gobstopper
  23. One for Ghost
  24. Dilla Says Go
  25. Walkinonit
  26. The Factory
  27. U-Love
  28. Hi
  29. Bye
  30. Last Donut of the Night
  31. Donuts (Intro)
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